May 2024 Resource Roundup

Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign
12 min readJun 13, 2024

Each month, we collect, curate, and collaborate to create this Community and Congregational Network (CCN) Resource Roundup. This Roundup includes jobs, grants, events, reports, articles, movies, toolkits, and more. Each of the items listed in some way contributes to our shared work of building a country where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, including countering anti-Muslim discrimination and violence as just one of the things preventing us from realizing that better world.

Our Shoulder to Shoulder Community & Congregational Network is an opportunity to connect with interfaith and community organizations and leaders throughout the country who are, in some capacity, addressing anti-Muslim discrimination in the U.S. Members share resources, problem-solve, and reflect on this important work in our meetings. Our network includes volunteer-run organizations and organizations with 10+ staff members. Members include organizations in rural, urban, and suburban communities in red, blue, and purple states and beyond. Each of them recognizes anti-Muslim discrimination as a threat to our communities and country. Each is committed to addressing this issue alongside their community's Muslim neighbors, friends, and siblings.

Know that our Shoulder to Shoulder team is here to support and encourage you in the work however we can. The views expressed in linked resources do not necessarily reflect those of the Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign. If there is something specific you’re looking for but don’t find here or you’re looking for a thought partner, please reach out to us at If you want to learn more about our Shoulder to Shoulder Community Network, contact us and/or check out our website. You can check out past resource roundups on our Medium Channel.

S2S Updates & Highlighted Resources

Upcoming Important Dates

  • 2024 Religious Holidays Calendar from Encounter World Religions
  • June 14: World Blood Donor Day* (interfaith blood drives are a common community activity)
  • June 14–19: Hajj
  • June 16: Eid al-Adha
  • June 17: Emmanuel 9 — Nine African Americans killed during bible study
  • June 19: Juneteenth
  • June 20: World Refugee Day
  • June 26: On this day in 2018, the Supreme Court upheld the third version of President Trump’s Muslim Ban. While the Biden Administration has rescinded the order, Trump plans to reinstitute and expand the ban should he be re-elected in 2024.
  • July 4: Independence Day
  • July 8: One year since Maryland passed The Inclusive Attire Act
  • July 16/17: Ashura
  • July 17: Muharram (first month of the Islamic calendar)
  • July 23: 17th of Tammuz (Jewish holiday)
  • August 5: Oak Creek Remembrance
  • Aug 6: Farmworker Appreciation Day — (The religious and cultural diversity of farmers)
  • Aug 12/13: Tisha B’Av (Jewish holiday)
  • Aug 26: Women’s Equality Day
  • Aug 25–30: Be Kind to Humankind Week*


  • June 16–20 Teaching Interfaith Understanding Faculty Seminar
  • June 20 | Transnational Repression in North America: Sikh Community | Religions for Peace USA | Register here
  • Join a PACE Virtual Salons through the summer | In 2024, PACE is encouraging reflection on how philanthropy (and friends of philanthropy!) can make democracy larger than politics. To connect this theme to the issues of most concern to funders, we’re hosting in-person and virtual “salons.”
  • June 24 Leading Faithfully in a Time of Division: A Virtual Retreat for Religious Leaders, a Zoom event hosted by the Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership of Hebrew College.
  • June 25th ICJS: Serving our Immigrant Communities Zoom. Welcoming strangers and ministering to migrants is central to many religious traditions. Baltimore has historically been an entry point and first home to many immigrant communities. Today, there are an array of social service agencies, both locally and nationally focused, that operate or are headquartered in Baltimore. Online event
  • June 27–29 Braver Angels 2024 National Convention in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
  • Tuesdays in July Online Class: Rumi, the Brush of God: Divine Love Painted in Poetry | Information here
  • July 11 | 12 pm PT | Book Club Othering and Belonging Institute | “Belonging without Othering” by john a. powell and Stephen Menendian, a powerful exploration of creating inclusive communities. Register Here
  • July 11–13 | Netroots Nation in Baltimore
  • Aug. 1, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET. Rural Assembly Everywhere 2024: Nurturing Thriving Communities
  • August 2–4 | The 2024 Interfaith Leadership Summit | Chicago
  • August 30 — September 2, 2024 | 61st Annual Islamic Society of North America Convention | Dallas, TX
  • September 21st — 27th | United Against Hate Week
  • September 23 | Combatting Antisemitism and Islamophobia: Best Practices in Challenging Times Hosted by the Applied Research Center for Civility | Learn more here
  • November 8–17 | Love Anyway Feast | Common Ground USA | We firmly believe in the transformative power of shared meals and meaningful dialogue to initiate healing processes. However, we recognize that this requires collective effort — we can’t do it alone. We are reaching out to seek partnerships with organizations that share our values of bridge-building and peacemaking. Your collaboration would be invaluable in our journey towards healing our nation’s divisions. Intro Video | Intrest Form



  • The Changemaker Authors Cohort supports full-time movement activists and social justice practitioners to complete books that create deep, durable narrative change that restructures the way people feel, think, and respond to the world. This program supports cohort members in making significant progress with their project at the end of each term, which includes manuscript completion or having a submittable manuscript or proposal ready. Registration Form
  • Muslim ARC | Dark Matter Sci-Fi Fellowship | Live in Southern California? We have partnered with Fresh Pulp magazine to provide an exciting opportunity for budding writers interested in STEM & Social Justice. A limited number of individuals will have the opportunity to learn from experts and have the possibility to be published in Fresh Pulp Magazine. Application deadline is June 15th.
  • Artists for Understanding | | Artists for Understanding is a new initiative that brings together a diverse community of artists and cultural luminaries who share a common belief in the power of the arts and humanities to counter hate. The initiative directly supports the objectives of the National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism and the National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia and Related Forms of Bias and Discrimination, and builds upon the work of United We Stand: Connecting Through Culture.
  • Solidarity Is 2024 Cohort, a 6-week training program on transformative solidarity principles and practices tailored towards emerging activists and organizers! Learn more and apply
  • Applications Open for Targeted Universalism Community of Practice | Seed Collaborative and the Belonging Lab, in partnership with the Othering and Belonging Institute, are thrilled to offer the 2nd annual Targeted Universalism (TU) Community of Practice (COP) for people from government, NGOs, foundations, academia, B-corps, or social impact orgs who want to take a deep dive into understanding and implementing TU. The 2024 COP is an opportunity for participants to grow their TU “muscle,” build relationships with other professionals across the U.S., and grapple with the challenges and opportunities with planning for, implementing, and evaluating TU. Application deadline is June 30. Learn more here.
  • The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) awards several need-based scholarships to students for their college studies.
  • The Institute for Global Engagement’s Center for Women, Faith & Leadership presents a few unique fellowship opportunities for diverse women-of-faith. The Global Multifaith Fellowship is a one-year program for women-of-faith leaders who serve in their communities. The Fellowship is open to women around the globe. Learn More Here
  • Research Assistant Internship Bridging Divides Initiative’s 2024–2025 Research Assistant Internship program is now open for applications. The program is part of our efforts to support and train the next generation of conflict mitigation and peacebuilding practitioners in the United States. Research Assistants receive hands-on experience in political violence research and mitigation approaches and regular skill-building and professional development workshops. Apply for open positions here
  • The Faith and Justice Fellowship | A nine-month cohort-based program designed to facilitate a journey of seeking faith and learning justice together in community.
  • 2024 Rick Love Awards | Nominate a peacebuilder for this award | To honor Rick’s legacy, to further his vision, and to raise up more peacebuilders like him, Peace Catalyst will be presenting the 3rd annual Rick Love Peace Awards at Alliance for Peacebuilding’s PeaceCon this year. These awards will honor those who creatively cross divides to build peace, exhibiting the same character and courage displayed by Rick.


  • Inaya Care Fund from HEART: a grassroots fund for US-based Muslims in need of financial assistance as they navigate grief, organizing, and transitions. (Please share and support this beautiful care fund)
  • Rise Together Fund is offering rapid response grants ranging from $5,000 — $25,000 to U.S.-based community organizations. Each inquiry will be reviewed on a rolling basis. RTF will support organizations with general support grants whenever possible to allow for organizational flexibility. More Information Here

Call to Action

  • Anabaptist World call for submissions: Interfaith relationships | Religious distrust creates divisions that peaceful relationships can breach. Tell about an interfaith encounter that has deepened your understanding and respect for others.
  • Hindus for Human Rights and Dalit Solidarity Forum are hosting an art, essay, and multimedia contest on the topic of: “As a South Asian, what traditions of peacemaking do you find inspiring?” Information Here
  • Paths to Understanding Potluck for Democracy | As division, fear, and conflict continue to grow in our communities, nation, and world, Paths to Understanding (PTU) and the Seattle University Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement (CEIE) are partnering to create the “Potluck for Democracy.” With a toolkit and supporting resources, we want to provide youeverything you need to gather people to share a simple meal with the primary goal of building relationships that foster hope for and belief in our common humanity.
  • Right to Be_ | Hate and Hope tracker | Help track stories about hate and hope that you see in the media
  • One Small Step | StoryCorps | One Small Step is an effort to remind the country of the humanity in all of us, even those with whom we disagree. The initiative brings strangers with different political views together to record a 50-minute conversation — not to debate politics, but to learn who we are as people. Audio recordings of each interview are archived at the Library of Congress. Currently, they are paying special attention in four Anchor Communities (Columbus, GA; Fresno/Central Valley, CA; Richmond, VA; and Wichita, KS) and five Radio Station Hubs (Jackson, WY; Rohnert Park, CA; Seattle, WA; Blue Hill, ME; and South Bend Elkhart, IN).
  • Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement, (PACE) is convening conversations around the idea that Democracy is Larger than Politics and inviting funders and civic leaders to consider that a successful and healthy democracy is separate from the achievement of political outcomes. Learn more about the D>P Initiative.


Toolkits and Curriculum



Event Recordings/Videos

An Inspiring Story from Story Corps
  • American Pathways | StoryCorps | American Pathways was an initiative to record, preserve, and share the stories and experiences of refugees, asylees, immigrants, and Muslims living in the United States.
  • Rev. James M. Lawson Jr., passed away at 95, a key civil rights strategist was deeply connected to the principles of Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolent resistance within the American Civil Rights Movement. Listen to an interview with Hindus for Human Rights Advisory Board member Rajmohan Gandhi, biographer, and grandson of M.K. Gandhi in conversation with Rev. Lawson.
  • James Lawson: Reflections on Life, Nonviolence, Civil Rights, MLK
  • The New Crusades: Islamophobia and the Global War on Muslims with Khaled Beydoun (11/14/2023) Discover a groundbreaking exploration of Islamophobia on a global scale in ‘The New Crusades’ by Khaled Beydoun. This lecture offers an unprecedented deep dive into how both democratic and authoritarian regimes worldwide are exploiting Islamophobia to target Muslim populations. Beydoun meticulously analyzes the impact of the American War on Terror, revealing its pivotal role in amplifying and interconnecting anti-Muslim campaigns across continents.
  • Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom | Campus Protests Conversation




The Unseen Threads of Unity by Aaima Ayub

In the heart of the town, where laughter intertwines,
There lies a bond, unspoken yet divine.
A tapestry of lives, so vividly interlaced,
In the community’s embrace, every soul is embraced.

With hands held tight in the toughest of times,
They share each burden, each mountain they climb.
Through storms and sunshine, they stand side by side,
In unity and strength, they find their pride.

For in this mosaic of faces and dreams,
Each thread is vital, or so it seems.
In the melody of voices, both young and old,
Lies a story of solidarity, bravely told.

When one stumbles, others lend a hand,
In this circle of trust, together they stand.
In every triumph, they find common joy,
In every challenge, resolve they employ

In this dance of life, they move as one,
Underneath the same moon, the same sun.
In the heart of the town, a lesson so clear:
Together in solidarity, there’s nothing to fear.



Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign

Shoulder to Shoulder is a coalition of 36 religious denominations and organizations committed to standing with American Muslims to advance American ideals