October 2022 Resource Roundup

Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign
7 min readOct 27, 2022

Our monthly Shoulder to Shoulder Community & Congregational Network Call is an opportunity to convene and connect with interfaith and community organizations and leaders throughout the country who are, in some capacity, addressing anti-Muslim discrimination in the U.S. In our meetings, members share resources, problem solve, and reflect on this important work. The notes below are a selection of public resources and events shared by network members and our various partners and friends. If you’re interested in learning more about our S2S Community Network, contact us and/or check out our website.

S2S Programmatic Updates

  • Center for Faith, Justice, and Reconciliation invites you to learn + mobilize for religious freedom and democracy, Reimagining Religious Freedom: Rights, Responsibilities, Respect October 27–29. Shoulder to Shoulder is a proud sponsor of this event.
  • ACTION ALERT: Sign the petition to President Biden: Allow entry to families denied by Trump’s Muslim and African Bans. The Muslim and Africa ban was rescinded, but no process was created to reevaluate those applications from individuals and families, who were denied entry after their visa was approved, or those denied or delayed in their visa process. They’re being told they must start over, restarting a many years-long process, and left to find the money again for all the fees and interviews.
  • Are you a CRC or RCA Leader? Join us for Resetting the Table — Building a Culture of Dialogue Workshop for Faith Leaders with the RCA & CRC. Feb 8 and 15th. https://us12.campaign-archive.com/?e=__test_email__&u=3236cc0de9744c19c465743d9&id=bf5ee4eea0
  • Next and LAST Community and Congregational Network meeting Wednesday Nov 16 at 2:30 pm ET.


  • The Al-Andalus Project The Islamic Society of North America is collaborating with the National Council of Synagogues to explore the 700-year “convivencia” in Al-Andalus, Iberia (711–1492). This journey aims for insight and wisdom that will inform inter-religious interactions in the 21st century
  • Oct 27 — Christian Nationalism and Ongoing Threat to Democracy in US. Religions for Peace USA and the National Council of Churches. With sociologist Dr. Andrew Whitehead about how Christian nationalism presents a clear and present threat to democracy in US. He will help define Christian nationalism, establish how prevalent it is among American public, and demonstrate its threat to democracy. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GvMrETaIQMyuG_uramPkBw
  • PreEmptive Love and Braver Angels Workshop Oct 29: In this 1.5 hour workshop, learn tangible tips on how to have conversations and learn about how to effectively depolarize, and build bridges across the political divide. As always, it’s a free event — and we welcome you to invite anyone you feel might be interested in learning from the experts at Braver Angels. Here is the link to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/preemptive-love-co-host-pep-rally-tickets-432855782297
  • Right To Be — formerly Hollaback, in collaboration with T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, created a free BYSTANDER INTERVENTION TO STOP ANTISEMITIC HARASSMENT TRAINING to discuss forms of antisemitism that the Jewish community faces right now, from microaggressions to violence and give people ways to take safe, effective action. Standing in solidarity is ultimately greater than any hatred, violence, or harassment! Trainings are available to the public via zoom, at no cost: November 2nd, 12PM EST https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fvmVJOlMSxeRVbAva2e0Ig
  • Unite Cloud classes on Somali langauge and culture. Free and online November/December
  • 2022–2023 annual lecture series at the Center for Security, Race and Rights (CSRR) will interrogate Race, Security and Empire through an interdisciplinary lens.
  • Christian Nationalism in America: Its History and Resurgence- November 3, 12:00–1:10pm. Charles Gallagher, author of the acclaimed book Nazis of Copley Square: The Forgotten History of the Christian Front, will summarize the history of the Christian Front and other explicitly Christian nationalist groups and discuss their influence on today’s far-right movements. Event Sponsor: Jay Phillips Center for Interreligious Studies, UST Department of Theology, Center for the Common Good, Jay Phillips Center for Interfaith Learning at Saint John’s University, Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation of Minnesota LEARN MORE.
  • Social Change Now: A Guide for Reflection and Connection. Virtual book release. We are excited to be community partners for @dviyer’s new workbook on social change ecosystems. Register now for the virtual book release on Nov 16th: bit.ly/SCMBookRelease.
  • From Dialogue to Action: Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom Annual Conference Nov 12–13 Virtual and in Person. https://sosspeace.org/2022-annual-conference/
  • November ARCompetency webinar will prepare you for those awkward family dinner conversations and give you the toolkit you need to respond with compassionate, Prophetic communication. FALL into our Anti-Racism Competency trainings on November 8th and November 15th from 3–7pm PST or 6–10pm EST. Join Dr. Aliah Ajamoughli and Margari Hill will lead this course alongside our incredible AMAL fellows. Registration
  • Transformational Dialogue Training With Raye Rawls And Bob Stains with DPACE (Democarcy, Politics and Conflict Engagement) November 29th & 30th 2022 A 14-hour training for individuals who need to convene and facilitate difficult conversations with groups, in organizations, and in communities. Discover the power of Transformational Dialogue. Join DPACE stewards, Raye Rawls and Bob Stains, who have been training and practicing transformational and reflective structured dialogue for decades. For more information go to the DPACE Website Here
  • Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom is thrilled to announce our upcoming Building Bridges International Trip to Morocco! Save the Date: February 20th — 28th, 2022


  • Pillars Fund Program Associate, Catalyze Fund. Pillars Fund seeks a program associate to provide critical management support for our expanding Catalyze Fund. This person is responsible for coordinating and executing the administrative and organizational tasks of our Catalyze Fund programming. This is an opportunity to gain unique insights into the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors; work alongside a supportive and high-energy team; and hone grant-making systems that center the user experience of Muslim communities. The program associate works closely with other members of our highly collaborative team and reports to the Catalyze Fund Program Director. https://pillarsfund.org/2022/10/24/were-hiring-program-associate-catalyze-fund/


  • General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR) is proud to announce a new cycle of the CORR Action Fund (CAF) grant program that will support creative initiatives that will transform the United Methodist Church (UMC) and the world. The 2022–2023 grant program will provide up to $10,000 to fund projects that increase intercultural competency and support vital conversations about race, cultural diversity, and systemic equity leading to action. UMC churches and other UMC entities are invited to apply for funding by submitting a proposal. Applications are now open. This grant application cycle closes November 15, 2022. For more information and to apply, please visit: www.gcorr.org/CAF.


  • If you have been the target of doxxing or harassment, reach out to Equality Labs for immediate support. There are several vendors for data broker scrubbing on the market, including DeleteMe and BlackCore. Each of these vendors have tradeoffs, so please consult us if you want to review your considerations. We do want folks we work with to be aware of and advocate for stronger data protection in the United States and elsewhere.
  • From Problem to Promise: Reframing Our Work for Beloved Community. The world is in profound need of healing, and the issues we face are complex. Addressing injustice requires insightful analysis and aligned action, grounded in our deepest spiritual convictions. You are invited to join this learning community to re-frame problems to be addressed into Promises served. Community of Practice, October to June monthly sessions ($250): Small group coaching and action-learning. The community of practice builds on Sevenfold training and is for change leaders wanting to deepen their practice of justice making. Event Sponsors: Kaleo Center for Faith, Justice & Social Transformation, Minnesota Multifaith Network Registration and Learn More
  • INGYouth strives to improve the resilience and confidence of Muslim teenagers. Through our training and certification process, we hope to inspire young Muslims to counter bullying and educate others about their religion and identity.
  • Certificate in Interfaith Leadership course with Interfaith America




Closing Reflections

“We don’t want to be Stars but parts of constellations.”

Excerpt from The New Speakers by Gloria Anzaldua.



Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign

Shoulder to Shoulder is a coalition of 36 religious denominations and organizations committed to standing with American Muslims to advance American ideals