’tis the season for those uncomfortable conversations: Here are a few of our favorite resources

As you’re getting ready for the holidays this year here is a growing list of some resources we’ve found helpful in navigating challenging conversations, updated November 2024.
National Day of Mourning: United American Indians of New England — UAINE
Sojourners: Yelling at your family won’t change their beliefs. Try doing this instead.
Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes: We Were Made for These Times
American Friends Service Committee: Your dinner guest makes an Islamophobic comment. How do you respond?

Church World Service: Holiday Guide: Sharing Why You Care
About Refugees and Immigrants
Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign: Faith-Rooted Primer for Understanding & Addressing Bigotry in the U.S. amid the Violence in Israel-Palestine
News Literacy Project: Misinformation Dashboard: Election 2024
The Startup: This is how to have hard conversations | by EB Johnson, NLP-MP
Interfaith America: Top 10 Ideas to Keep the Peace at Your Thanksgiving Table and One Simple Thing You Can Do Today to Address Division
The New York Times’ “Uncle Bot” from 2018: Opinion | How to Have a Conversation With Your Angry Uncle Over the Holidays
National Conflict Resolution Center: 10 Tips for Navigating The Political Divide & Talking Across the Divide
LivingRoom Conversations: Multiple Topical Guides
Department of Health and Human Services: Recipes for Connection
Common Ground USA: Love Anyway Feast
Paths to Understanding: Potluck for Democracy
Braver Angels: A free 40-minute online course and a printable PDF version
Sojourners contributor Amar D. Peterman: Advice for those dreading holiday arguments about religion and politics from author and regular
Harvard Kennedy School decision scientist Julia Minson: Simple tools to disagree better this Thanksgiving
Right to Be_: Strategies to counter discrimination and harassment and this helpful holiday meal strategy video below.
Faithful America: “Tough Turkey” When Christian nationalism shows up at your holiday table.
Each of the items listed in some way contributes to our shared work of building a country where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, including countering anti-Muslim discrimination and violence as just one of the things preventing us from realizing that better world. If there is something specific you’re looking for but don’t find here or you’re looking for a thought partner, please reach out to us at info@s2scampaign.org
The views expressed in linked resources do not necessarily reflect those of the Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign.